Santa Barbara Photos
Last updated: Tuesday, September 25, 2001.

While on our trip to the SIGGRAPH 2001 conference in LA, some of us decided to take a day off to check out the beach! These are a few photos from that trip. Some of these photos (the better quality ones) were taken by Tony.

Here's Jiwon, Karen, and Mira packed into the back seat of the car. They're smiling now, because this picture was taken before we were stuck in traffic for half an hour, then forced off the highway for construction that didn't seem to be happening, along a detour route that was unmarked, leaving us driving aimlessly through the California countryside.

Fortunately we got back on track and made it to Santa Barbara. Our first stop was a relaxing lunch at a Mexican restaurant on the beach.

And what a beach it was! Sand, sun, palm trees, mountains, and some guy kite-surfing... what more could you ask for?

Here we are, on the beach.

We walked along the beach for a really long ways. At the end there were a bunch of beach volleyball courts. We managed to bum a volleyball from someone and hit it around a little.

After a while, we walked back to the car and got lost in Santa Barbara. Eventually we found our way to a marketplace and got dinner.

The next day, it was back to the conference in LA.

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This page is Copyright 1994-2006, Brett Allen.